Day 5 of tryhackme’s Advent of Cyber for 2022! This challenge involves learning about brute-force attacks that an attacker can use in an attempt to penetrate a system/service/application.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about common remote access services.
  • Recognize a listening VNC port in a port scan.
  • Use a tool to find the VNC server’s password.
  • Connect to the VNC server using a VNC client.

Use Hydra to find the VNC password of the target with IP address MACHINE_IP. What is the password?

Before we begin using Hydra, we can use nmap to see that there is a vnc service running on our target machine:

user@hostName:~$ sudo nmap -sS MACHINE_IP
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2022-12-05 20:45 EST
Nmap scan report for MACHINE_IP
Host is up (0.12s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
5900/tcp open  vnc

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.00 seconds

Now onward to using hydra. For this we don’t pass any username (-l option) but we will be using the popular rockyou.txt file which contains the worlds most common passwords. We will accomplish the task using the following command:

user@hostName:~$ hydra -P /path/to/rockyou.txt MACHINE_IP vnc

Below is the output from using the above command in the AttackBox:


We notice that after some time, hydra does in fact find the password to the vnc server via brute-force.



Using a VNC client on the AttackBox, connect to the target of IP address MACHINE_IP. What is the flag written on the target’s screen?

To retrieve the flag, you need an RDP client that supports the VNC protocol to access the machine. I used the included Remmina client within the AttackBox to gain access to the target machine. To log into the device you can follow THM’s steps or read them below:

  1. Launch Remmina


  1. Close the Unlock Login Keyring dialog box if it appears.


  1. Change the protocol to VNC.
  2. Enter the IP Address of the target system.


  1. The wallpaper of the system contains the flag



