Some cool news came about yesterday. ISSessions had their recap meeting where they released some statistics from the CTF including the top 100 players.

I did better than expected considering this was my first CTF that I’ve partaken live; I had some experience with picoCTF. I placed 21st overall with 808 points total.


In total, I had 15 number of solves. I just managed to get at least 1 solve in each category. I’m hoping to improve significantly in my upcoming CTFs. Ideally I would like to get good with reverse engineering but that is a steep slope. It’ll take a lot of work but I’m sure it will pay off in the end.


If you’re interested in finding CTFs, CTF time is the best resource that I found. Below is a couple of upcoming CTFs that I’ve signed up for.

Name URL Where Date (MM/DD) Timezone
magpieCTF Online or Calgary, CA 02/24 - 02/26 GMT-7
NorthSec CTF Bonsecours Market 350 St Paul St East Montreal, QC H2Y 1H2 05/18 - 05/26 GMT-5
picoCTF Online 03/14 - 03/28 TBA